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Do Akitas Get Jealous of Humans or Other Dogs?

Akitas are known for their particular temperament and intelligence, but what are they like in terms of jealousy toward other dogs or even humans?

Akitas are pretty territorial and they may feel the need to show that they require your attention by getting aggressive, clingy, or marking their territory around the house when they get jealous.

If you want to know more, read the rest of this article, where I will explain why Akitas may get jealous of dogs or humans and how to tell if this is the case.

Are Akitas Jealous by Nature?

Akitas are known to be affectionate and loyal dogs that are dedicated to loving and protecting their family, but sometimes this affection can trigger feelings of jealousy.

If you want to get an Akita, you need to be aware of their temperament issues to prepare for any issues that might arise.

Akitas tend to become possessive and jealous over their family, especially one person that they choose as their favorite since they are the type of dog to get especially attached to one particular human.

Because of this temperament and tendencies, Akitas can easily get jealous if their favorite human is paying attention to other animals or humans.

While you logically can understand that you can pay equal attention and show affection to multiple beings, your Akita cannot reason, so it will start to feel jealousy toward anyone and anything that is keeping you away from it.

Some dog breeds are more relaxed and more friendly toward other creatures, but Akitas may prefer it when they are the only pet in their house because they require more attention and affection.

Of course, every dog has its own personality that might go against the stereotype, so you may be lucky to find an Akita that doesn’t easily get jealous.

However, for the most part, you should expect your Akita to become jealous and territorial over you or any other family member. 

Signs That Your Akita Is Jealous

If your Akita is jealous, it may cause several kinds of issues that may be quite serious if unchecked, so you need to be aware of the signs of jealousy in this particular breed.

The most common and probably obvious sign of jealousy in Akitas is aggression toward the perceived threat or opponent.

Your Akita may bark or growl at the person or animal they are jealous of, or they may try to physically get between you and them.

Akitas generally don’t bark a lot, but when they do, it can be a sign that they’re jealous and want more attention from you.

Moreover, Akitas may become quite clingy, following you around and requiring more attention than usual by whining at you or trying to get as close as possible to you.

This breed is known to be clingy even in normal circumstances where jealousy is not involved, but if you feel that your dog has become even clingier and more attention-seeking than usual, you may need to consider that your proximity to a person or another animal may be the reason.

Another important sign that your Akita is jealous is the tendency to guard its food or toys, seeking to protect whatever it can from the animal or person who is “stealing” your attention.

Sometimes, Akitas may even pee around the house, even if they have been trained for years because they feel the need to mark their territory and let the other animal or person know where they stand in the hierarchy.

In some cases, your Akita may even sulk and ignore you in an attempt to make you pay more attention to them and get away from whatever is keeping you from dedicating your time to your pet.

The ignoring tactic is rare, but it shows how complex Akitas’ way of thinking is and how they can process their emotions.

Typically, paying some attention to your dog, playing with them, or taking them out for a walk may solve the problem.

You may also consider training them to stay calm and avoid aggressive behaviors when they encounter other humans or animals.

Akitas Temperament and Behavior

As mentioned above, before getting an Akita you should learn about their famous temperament and behavior and make sure you’re fully prepared to have this type of dog in your house.

Akitas are well-known for being pretty territorial and aggressive toward other animals in the house, especially dogs because they feel the need to establish their dominance as alphas of the house.

As a result, your Akita should be the only pet in the house, so that you can pay all the necessary attention to your one pet and avoid temperamental issues and jealousy.

In some cases, two Akitas can also work, especially if you train them right and raise them together, teaching them to bond and live with one another.

However, you should make sure that you get two Akitas of opposite genders; otherwise, they can become very competitive and aggressive with one another, as each will consider itself the alpha of the pack.

Although Akitas can be aggressive toward animals that they feel are threatening their territory, they are very friendly and affectionate toward humans.

Akitas become very attached to their family and would do anything to protect it from any potential dangers, which explains why they start to become aggressive and jealous when they see their family with an unknown animal or human. 

Because of their temperament and size, an Akita may not be the best choice for a first-time dog owner. 

You can my other post to read more about why Akitas are challenging to handle if you’ve never owned a dog before and learn about any health issues they may have. [Are Akitas Good for First Time Owners?]

Are Akitas Friendly With Strangers?

Akitas like humans very much, but they need to be familiar with you to protect and love you unconditionally.

Akitas don’t like strangers very much because of their protective feelings, so they can be aloof and uninterested at best, or aggressive at worst.

The more these dogs spend time with you, the more they will get used to your presence and start to form a bond, so they may perceive you as a friendly face if they meet you relatively often.

In general, you should keep your Akitas under supervision when you have people coming over to make sure they won’t get aggressive.

Final Thoughts

Akitas are territorial and can get very attached to humans, so they develop feelings of jealousy when their favorite person pays more attention to someone or something else.

As a result, your Akita may show jealousy signs, such as aggressive behavior, clinginess, or aloof and avoidant behavior in some cases.

Make sure you pay enough attention to your Akita daily and train them to be calm in the presence of other people or animals.