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Are Labradors And Rottweilers Good Companions?

Labradors and Rottweilers are both amazing companions for people. But they are quite an unlikely pair, which makes you wonder if they are good companions for each other?

The breed characteristics of Labradors and Rottweilers are compatible, so they most often get along well as companions. How easily this happens depends on personality, temperament, breeding, age, and gender. Compatibility between the two breeds can also be positively or negatively affected by the owner’s personality.

For two dogs to get along, they need compatible personalities, breed characteristics, and temperaments.

In this article, we look at the compatibility of Labradors and Rottweilers. We also look at how a good owner and home environment will encourage harmony between them.

Can Labradors And Rottweilers Live Together?

A Labrador and a Rottweiler most definitely can live together, and they can even live together harmoniously, becoming great companions for each other.

In some cases, their personalities and temperaments will just click, but in other cases, it may require some input from the owner.

This is not only for Labradors and Rottweilers; it applies to any two dogs, even two dogs of the same breed.

Related: Guide: Should You Get Two Rottweilers At Once?

Personalities Are Unpredictable

Personality is something that you cannot control or predict, but it is very important. It even has the potential to override breed characteristics.

If your two dogs have compatible personalities, then they are more likely to get along naturally.

This does not mean that they will never disagree, but you probably won’t have to work as hard to facilitate harmony.

Furthermore, compatible does not necessarily mean similar.

Your Labrador and Rottweiler can have opposite but complementary personalities and get on like a house on fire.

Thankfully, personality is closely linked to temperament, which is more predictable.

Compatibility Of Temperaments

Temperament refers to how a dog reacts to stimuli based on an innate predisposition.

To help ensure that a Labrador and a Rottweiler will get along, you need to choose two dogs with compatible temperaments.

Going through all the different combinations of temperament is impossible, but there are people who can help you match your specific dogs together.

Dog behaviorists are required to have an understanding of temperaments in order to undertake their profession. They also offer temperament testing.

You can get one of your dogs, have them tested, and ask the behaviorist what kind of temperament would be appropriate for your other dog.

Good breeders are also able to help you to choose the right temperament.

For more information on temperament testing, be sure to take a look at this informative page with some useful links put out by the American Kennel Club.

Additionally, temperament is largely hereditary, so you can look at your dog’s parents to get a good idea of your dog’s likely temperament.

Compatibility Of Breed Characteristics

Rottweiler and Labrador sniffing each other in the water

You can also look at breed characteristics when it comes to seeing how well your Labrador and Rottweiler could get along.

Yes, these are not the characteristics that every single Labrador and Rottweiler are going to display, but they are the ideal breed standard to which breeders are held, so they should always be considered.

You have chosen a Labrador and a Rottweiler, so let’s see how their breed characteristics compare.

Characteristics That Make Labradors And Rottweilers Good Companions

Labradors and Rottweilers are both intelligent breeds, which means that they can entertain each other on the same level.

While Labradors are almost half the size of Rottweilers, they are not small dogs, and they have plenty of energy to make up for their smaller stature and weight, so these two breeds can safely play together.

In fact, the size of a Rottweiler is beneficial because it means that your wild Labrador can’t run all over it!

Take a look at the video below to get a good idea of the importance of having two nearly equal sized dogs when dealing with larger breeds – one will not trample the other!

Characteristics That Could Be Problematic

Labradors and Rottweilers are both human-orientated and develop deep bonds with their humans.

This can become problematic if not properly managed because they can start to compete for your attention, which leads to clashes, insecurities, and anxiety.

Furthermore, Rottweilers are territorial and can become possessive.

You will have to stop them from trying to claim everything as their own, including you, and pushing your Labrador away.

Good Breeding

As mentioned previously, not all Labradors and Rottweilers are going to conform to the breed standards.

However, good breeding goes a long way to ensuring that the dogs do not stray too far from these norms.

Additionally, a good breeder will not breed with a dog that has temperament issues like aggression.

Age And Gender

Getting a Labrador and a Rottweiler puppy together will be quite an undertaking as neither are low-energy or independent dogs.

However, there are definite benefits to getting the puppies together.

Firstly, you start them at the level. Neither is established in the home, having to adjust to no longer being the only dog.

Secondly, as puppies, they have a chance to learn how to get along and bond as companions before the introduction of pesky hormones.

There is likely to be a rough patch as they both go through puberty, but things should even out quickly.

Gender also makes a difference. Two male dogs or two female dogs are less likely to get along than one of each gender.

Related: Do Male German Shepherds Get Along?

Whether you get two males, two females, or one of each, sterilization will help to control hormone-related aggression.

In the case of one male and one female, sterilization is extremely important to prevent unplanned puppies.

Related: Should You Get a Male or Female German Shepherd?

Good Ownership and Its Role in Labrador and Rottweiler Compatibility

Good ownership is absolutely crucial, even if your dogs’ personalities and temperaments are compatible.

Owner Personality

Your personality also factors into how well your Labrador and Rottweiler will get along.

While sweet-natured, these dogs require a firm owner, especially a Rottweiler. If you are not the alpha in your home, then your dog pack will be unstable.

You also have to react calmly and confidently to any situation, even a dog fight.

Related: Checklist: What To Do When Rottweilers Attack

Labradors are high-energy dogs, and Rottweilers have a seriousness that manifests in intensity.

A nervous owner can easily catalyze heated moments and will not be equipped to intervene effectively.

Owner Lifestyle

Happy dogs are more likely to get along. This means that you need to make sure that you have the time and energy to meet your dogs’ needs and keep them happy.

Labradors and Rottweilers both require training, daily exercise, and lots of emotional attention.

Living Space

You cannot have a Labrador and Rottweiler cooped up in a small house or an apartment with no yard, especially if you work full-time and cannot take them for walks throughout the day.

Your Labrador’s energy and your Rottweiler’s territorialism make small living spaces a breeding ground for spats or even full-blown fights.


A well-socialized dog will always be more likely to get along with other dogs.

A good breeder will start socialization before you even take ownership of your dog, but you need to continue to expose them to different stimuli during their crucial developmental stages.

However, be careful about where you take your puppies and what other dogs they see before they are fully vaccinated.

Getting two dogs is actually a really good way to socialize them safely, but they will still need exposure to dog “strangers”.

adult Rottweiler and Labrador puppies playing
This picture is a great example of a well-socialized Rottweiler. And unsocialized or poorly socialized Rottweiler would not stand for this type of crowded attention, especially from puppies.


Labradors thrive on training. They are eager to please and love the time to bond with their owners.

As mentioned, a happy dog is a balanced dog and a better companion.

Rottweilers also appreciate the time with their owners, but they are more independent-minded and need to be trained in a specific way that holds their attention.

But don’t think that a well-trained Labrador and a moderately trained Rottweiler is acceptable.

With their size, training your Rottweiler is mandatory. You have to be confident that they will obey your command to stand down.


If your Labrador and Rottweiler do not receive sufficient exercise every day, then their pent-up energy can lead to irritability and explosions.

Individual Attention

As the owner, it is your responsibility to make sure that your Labrador and Rottweiler never have to compete for your attention.

However, you also cannot treat them like they are the same dog in your efforts to be fair.

Final Thoughts

Labradors and Rottweiler can be good companions.

For the most part, their breed characteristics are complementary, but their compatibility depends largely on individual personality, temperament, and good ownership.

To ensure that your Labrador and Rottweiler have the best chance of getting along, make sure that you choose the right puppies, socialize, and train them.

Exercise and individual attention are also important.


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